Caring for Your GLOCK


To make sure your GLOCK pistol keeps working reliably, you should clean and lubricate it on a regular schedule. Refer to your owner’s manual for the proper lubrication points, as well as the proper amounts of lubrication required.

Your GLOCK pistol should be cleaned and lubricated:

  • When it’s brand new, before it’s fired for the first time
  • After each time it’s fired
  • At least once a month, if it hasn’t been used in that time
  • If it’s been exposed to rain, snow, perspiration, salt water, dirt, dust, etc.

If you are using your GLOCK pistol very heavily, we recommend that you have it inspected periodically. A GLOCK certified armorer can do this, or you can send it to GLOCK, Inc. to be inspected.

If your GLOCK needs another part replaced, that should be done by a certified GLOCK armorer.


Cleaning Your GLOCK


 Proper cleaning and lubrication prevents corrosion and removes accumulated dirt and debris that can affect your pistol’s operation. 

NOTE: Applying the correct amount of lubrication is key. Too much lubrication can affect the pistol’s performance.

Each time you clean your GLOCK pistol, it should be field-stripped (disassembled into its major components).


Handing Down Your GLOCK


If you properly maintain your GLOCK throughout your ownership, it will be in perfect condition to hand down for generations. Many firearms are handed down from generation to generation, but it’s important to be aware what the laws are in your state when it comes to passing these items on.

Safe Storage at Home


Safe storage at home is an important part of being a responsible gun owner.
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